Nursing Jobs

General Nursing
As a general nurse, you play an integral role in improving the health of the patients in your care. At Arcadia, we know that your work is physically and emotionally demanding, and we understand that working in the right role is essential to your own health and happiness.
Critical Nursing
We know as a Critical Care Nurse you make sure all of your chronically ill or injured patients in your unit are provided with the care that they need to improve their mental state and physical state.
Arcadia appreciate that you use your specialised knowledge to provide the best possible care you can for your patients.
In order to balance and perform all of these high demanding tasks to the best of your abilities, Arcadia ensure to support you to the best of our ability. You are very organized and structured, as are we.

Mental Health Nursing
Mental health nursing is often complex, demanding and very rewarding. As many as one in three people are thought to suffer some form of mental health problem. However, dealing with the human mind and behaviour is not an exact science.
Mental ill health is often brought on by a crisis in life such as depression after the death of a partner. However, depression is just one of the the range of conditions that come under the heading of mental ill health. There are also neuroses, psychoses, psychological and personality disorders.
Therapeutic relationships between the mental health nurse, those with mental ill health, and their families is critical to successful mental health nursing. Helping people back to mental health is also every bit as valuable and satisfying as caring for those with a physical illness.
Core qualities and skills
Your main tool as a mental health nurse will be the strength of your own personality and communication skills. You will need to empathise with the people you are dealing with and show warmth and care about them. Regrettably there is still some stigma attached to mental illness. Combating this and helping the individuals and their families deal with it is a key part of the job.
We want you to enjoy your job, so we will take the time to understand your needs and ambitions and place you in a job where you can put your knowledge and skills to good use.
Whether you are looking for a permanent or temporary role, our team will work closely with you to provide you with all the support and guidance you require throughout your healthcare journey.